Sunday, October 27, 2013

Korean BBQ 101 - How to Enjoy the Authentic Korean BBQ

Korean BBQ, something you'd experience only in Korea.

The most special thing about the Korean BBQ has to be all of the different side dish that add more taste to the Korean BBQ. Most of the times, these side dish are cold dish rather than hot dish, so that they go well with the grilled BBQ. The following photo shows some of the common side dishes that Koreans like to enjoy along with the Korean BBQ.

You might have noticed, from the photo above, the lettuce on the right upper hand corner. Lettuce plays a big role when eating Korean BBQ because it is a must-do for Koreans to wrap a small spoonful of rice, a bite-sized piece of meat, and a dab of special sauce inside a leaf of lettuce. 

Like this:

How you grill the meat, whether it is pork belly or beef, does not really matter. Interesting though, Korean BBQ is slightly different in that pretty much anything can go on the grill---steamed egg, Kimchi, bean sprouts, mushrooms, onions, more veggies, soybean soup, etc.

You can always be creative and cook eggs inside onion rings like shown below :)

Korean BBQ I had in Korea from last summer

Lastly, on a side note, it is a very well-known fact that Soju (Korean alcohol) is supposed to be the perfect match when enjoying the Korean BBQ as Soju is known for its smoothness which helps with meat digestion as well as making the Korean BBQ experience even more authentic and complete.
Now, it is time for you to put "Eat Authentic Korean BBQ" on your bucket list, and try the Korean BBQ in a fun and authentic way! 

Remember, be not afraid to try new things, especially food.